Jumat, 05 November 2010


Oleh : Elisabeth Supriharyanti


Globalization, technological advances, customer value migration have shifted transaction marketing paradigm towards relationship marketing paradigm. The relationship involve more than buyer-seller collaboration. Also included in relationship marketing are supplier, distribution channel member and internal function. Although there are several view about the nature and scope of relationship marketing, all place the customer at the center of the paradigm. The objective of an article is to stimulate thought and action about important aspect of relationship marketing from theoretical and managerial perspective. The article also states implementation in service market and industrial. The new paradigm of marketing will focus on building strong bond its customers with the aim of delivering superior value to customers.
Keywords: customer value migration; relationship marketing; customer center; theoritical and managerial perspective

1.           PENDAHULUAN

Perubahan dalam dunia usaha yang semakin cepat ditunjukkan oleh Kotler (2000) dalam tiga aspek, yaitu dunia yang semakin mengglobal, kemajuan teknologi dan deregulasi. Aspek-aspek tersebut semakin mendorong terjadinya perubahan dalam customer value (customer value migration). Untuk dapat mengantarkan superior customer value, maka perusahaan perlu merespon fenomena diatas. Sehingga bermunculan konsep-konsep bisnis baru, diantaranya Reengineering, Outsourcing, E-Commerce, Benchmarking, Aliance, dan sebagainya (Kotler,2000). Demikian pula dalam bidang pemasaran juga bermunculan filosofi, konsep dan teknik baru, diantaranya relationship marketing, customer share, target marketing, integrated marketing communication, dan sebagainya (Kotler,2000).. . (baca_selengkapnya )

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