I Wayan Jaman Adi Putra
The objectives of the research are to know: (1) the situation of service quality (tangible, empathy,
reliability, responsiveness, assurance) of bank which perceived by customer of BNI Prima product and customer relationship performance (financial, social, and customization bonds), and customer loyalty of BNI Prima product; (2) the influence of service quality (tangible, empathy, reliability, responsiveness, assurance) of bank which perceived by customer on customer relationship performance (financial, social, and customization bonds). The sources of data are all customers of BNI Prima product at each branch offices of BNI bank which offered BNI Prima product in marketing area of East Java. The election of respondents from 150 that are planned uses simple random sampling technique and allocated proportionally, the methods of collecting data are questionnaire, interview, and slider of document. The methods of analysis are: (1) descriptive analysis; and (2) hypothesis testing by Structural Equation Modeling (SEM).
The results of descriptive analysis are: (1) Totally, the level of service quality (tangible, empathy, reliability, responsiveness, assurance) of bank which perceived by customer is dissatisfied category, but they have high effectiveness category; (2) Totally, the level of customer relationship performance (financial, social, and customization bonds) is very high effectiveness category, but dissatisfied category. The results of hypothesis testing the service quality (tangible, empathy, reliability, responsiveness, assurance) of bank which perceived by customer of BNI Prima product are influencing positively and significant on customer relationship performance (financial bonds, social bonds, customization bonds).
Keywords: service quality, customer relationship performance.
Bank BNI memasarkan ketiga bentuk simpanan:
simpanan giro, simpanan tabungan, simpanan deposito
berjangka baik dengan pelayanan standar atau biasa
(traditional banking) maupun dengan layanan
khusus (special banking) sesuai dengan kebutuhan
dan keinginan nasabah sasaran yang ingin dilayani.
Ketiga bentuk simpanan yang ditawarkan dengan
layanan khusus kepada nasabah yang tergolong dalam
kelas sosial paling tinggi (upper-class) dinamakan
produk BNI private banking dengan persyaratan
besarnya (nominal) simpanan minimal satu milyar
rupiah yang hanya diselenggarakan oleh Kantor Cabang
Bank BNI tertentu di Jakarta, sedangkan untuk
di daerah-daerah seluruh Indonesia dinamakan
Produk BNI Prima. Produk BNI Prima merupakan
pilihan bagi nasabah perseorangan yang menghendaki
pelayanan seperti: kenyamanan dan kecepatan pelayanan
perbankan serta bersifat pribadi karena nasabah
mendapatkan pelayanan di ruangan khusus yang
nyaman dan aman, serta nasabah tidak perlu antri.
Disamping itu, untuk memenuhi permintaan nasabah
juga disediakan konsultasi bisnis mengenai manfaat
produk-produk bank BNI yang ada kaitannya dengan
bisnis nasabah, serta mendapat laporan rekening
Bank BNI berusaha memuaskan kebutuhan dan
keinginan nasabahnya dengan memperbaiki kualitas
pelayanan (kualitas produk BNI Prima) yang dirasakan
oleh nasabahnya. Akan tetapi, hasil penelitian yang
dilakukan Market Research Indonesia (MRI) pada . . . . .. . ... (baca_selengkapnya)
lengkap dikompilasi oleh/hubungi :
Kanaidi, SE., M.Si (Penulis, Peneliti, PeBisnis,
Trainer dan Dosen Marketing Management).
e-mail ke : kana_ati@yahoo.com
atau kanaidi@poltekpos.ac.id
HP. 08122353284
HP. 08122353284
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