Jumat, 20 Mei 2011

Why Do Customer Relationship Management Applications Affect Customer Satisfaction?

by : Sunil Mithas, M.S. Krishnan, & Claes Fornell
Published : Journal of Marketing Vol. 69 (October 2005), 201–209

This research evaluates the effect of customer relationship management (CRM) on customer knowledge and customer satisfaction. An analysis of archival data for a cross-section of U.S. firms shows that the use of CRM applications is positively associated with improved customer knowledge and improved customer satisfaction. This article also shows that gains in customer knowledge are enhanced when firms share their customer-related information with their supply chain partners.

Despite substantial investments in customer relationship management (CRM) applications, there is a lack of research demonstrating the benefits of such investments. In particular, there has been limited research on the role and contribution of CRM applications in managing customer encounters (Bitner, Brown, and Meuter 2000; Meuter et al. 2000). Although marketing and information systems researchers have developed theories about the effect of CRM applications, with some progress toward empirical validation (Jayachandran et al. 2005; Reinartz, Krafft, and Hoyer 2004; Romano and Fjermestad 2003; Srinivasan and Moorman 2005), there is limited knowledge about the effect of CRM applications on a firm’s customer knowledge and customer satisfaction. Furthermore, prior research does not shed light on why CRM applications affect customer satisfaction or the role of complementary investments in supply chain management systems.
Against the backdrop of significant investment in CRM applications and limited empirical work on the effect of CRM applications on customer relationships, this article .............................

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Kanaidi, SE., M.Si (Penulis, Peneliti, PeBisnis, Trainer dan Dosen Marketing Management).

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